AI in Manufacturing – TyRex Thought Leadership
Joel Coffman2025-01-27T22:13:36+00:00TyRex made some big headlines in November during the Austin Business Journal’s “AI Takeover” issue. Our own Matt Ache took part in an expert panel discussion around the surge of artificial intelligence and how it’s reshaping business. Our focus was on our AI-driven product development tools, including the free-to-explore Voyager program.
In an initial letter to readers, Matt outlined how TyRex is reframing its vision for the future of manufacturing, with rapid product development at the center combining artificial intelligence with 3D printing to drastically increase the speed at which new products can be created.
Subscribers can read the full Q&A here, but we pulled a couple of our favorite quotes from Matt:

“In manufacturing, AI tools will favor smaller businesses with flexibility, entrepreneurial spirit and an understanding of the need for speed in all phases of manufacturing. The most effective way to utilize and experience AI in manufacturing is to have an open mind, and not have a departmentalized business structure. This means you need to include every employee and department, and make sure they are integrated into your manufacturing business design and development.”
“TyRex has searched the internet for nearly 200,000 product ideas and placed them into a safe, secure and sanitized AI data box that we call the Cosmic Inquiry. Essentially, it has security boundaries, and access to the data box is under our control.”
“Our TyRex’s Voyager software was created out of necessity, because a manufacturing business’s product development pace must equal Technology Time (SM) in order to stay competitive. This software helps create a constant stream of new product ideas that can be sourced, researched, developed and prototyped in a very time-efficient and cost-effective manner. At this time, we provide the new product initial search functions of this software for free to anyone who takes our two training courses. With this software and structure, we can reduce our customers’ additive manufacturing product development time and cost by 60-80% or more.”