iRex Celebrates its Fifth Anniversary
Amit2025-03-11T16:14:27+00:00 January 1, 2006 marked the day iRex Group, Ltd. reached its fifth anniversary as an independent company in the TyRex Technology Family of Companies. A long awaited celebration finally came to fruition on Friday, August 18, 2006. As the morning shift approached the noon hour, all around you could see that something special was about to take place. Table decorations clearly depicted the Hispanic theme of the celebration. The conference room soon turned into a large buffet table with more than a dozen pans of enchiladas, rice, beans, etc. The surprise of the day came when a Mariachi band broke into song playing Latino music on their guitar, guitarron, vihuela and trumpet. They played and sang throughout the hour, offering a chance for several iRex employees to sing and dance. A quick discovery was made when iRex employees and other invited guests, realized they had hidden talent on the iRex production dance floor. Undercover stars just waiting for a chance to become their very own “iRex American Idol.” iRex is thoroughly looking forward to having Elisa Delgado and Maria Jaimes perform and showcase their vocal skills at their upcoming Christmas Party in December 2006. As part of the celebration, an opportunity was taken to award three employees for their exemplary and outstanding work on the production floor. This Quarterly Award is given to the individuals that have worked as role models with good attendance, great attitudes, and high job skills — always putting their best efforts onto their work. The Awards were given as follows: Anabel Alfaro – Fourth Quarter 2005 Elena Duran – First Quarter 2006 Maria Moreno – Second Quarter 2006 Before all was said and done, Matt Ache unveiled a new motto for the entire iRex team to embrace over the upcoming months. “Drive for Five” will help motivate all of the iRex employees to act as team players and strive and accomplish this new level of excellence.