New Home On Technology Blvd.
Amit2025-03-11T16:15:00+00:00On the night of May 4, 2006, during a severe thunderstorm, part of the Delta facilities roof collapsed severing two water mains. On morning of May 5, 2006, SabeRex employees arrive at Delta to find the roof collapsed over a significant portion of the warehouse area. There was considerable flooding in the entire Delta facility, due to the water lines being broken.
Employee morale was bruised only for a moment, then SabeRex employees pulled together to do what needed to be done. By working together it was foreseeable that this disaster would not break our TyRex/SabeRex spirit. The decision was made quickly by SabeRex Management to move the SabeRex Corporate office, as well as the DTR and PCB Product Groups, to our Technology Blvd. facilities. Luckily, we had an extra 100,000 SF of space for them to occupy.
Through vigorous employee cooperation the move went successfully. “We barely missed a beat,” says Lisa Martin, Corporate Controller. Now with all the SabeRex – Austin joined into one facility we are sure to be as SUCCESSFUL as ever, always moving toward becoming SPECIAL.
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